My daughter Joslyn was my willing subject today while I snapped a few photos outside in the rain. Look at this photo of her!! Need I say more? She's stunning isnt she?

Sometimes I look at my kids in awe and wonder how in the world they came from my genetic line. haha Thats the way its supposed to be I guess....always cuter than the generation before. I truly love this gal. She's so full of life and joy. Recently, her and her twin sister was enrolled in Kindergarten in preperation for next year and I went with her on a tour of her new school. Every single night since that day, she hugs and kisses me goodnight and then tells me all about how excited she is about the library, computers and her new teacher who's going to teach her how to read and do homework. Yes, while her sister Alexis is the social butterfly, Joslyn is my brainer. She's soooooo excited about HOMEWORK. Go figure. She might resemble her momma in looks a bit, but she didnt get her thirst for learning from me. Unfortunately, her twin sister takes after me in the socializing area. haha
I love you Joslyn. You are the light of my life. You complete me. Ok, that line came from a movie...but its true. MUUUAAAH!
Beautiful! Amaya is a learner...and I love and miss Virginia Smith. Both of the librarians there are wonderful, and good friends of mine. I am happy to see a new post...I check everyday:)
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