Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Let there be snow!

I woke up this morning and looked out my bedroom window to SNOW. What....how come no one told me it had snowed? I ran in the livingroom to which all my family was awake already but me, and I said "LOOOK kids, its snowing!" They all jumped up and looked out the windows. Funny thing is that they were all around the kitchen table eating breakfast and we have these pretty tall uncovered windows in the kitchen, but not ONE of them noticed it was snowing. Go figure! Hubby even had to take a peek and see if it was real. So what did we do with all this snow you say? I torchered my children and told them they had to wait to go play in it because it was still early in the morning. hahaha But when it was time, they had a blast. The hubster is taking the kids to go sledding down the road here in a bit. For now, my willing model allowed me some pics of her eating snow and enjoying our winter storm!


Anonymous said...

How cute! We haven't ventured out yet...I am dreading the cold!


Sherri Martinez - Younique said...

Yeah for Winter Weather... Ugh for driving to work in it!


Anonymous said...

awesome...this weather is crazy isnt it. we got a lot of snow too in norman. these pics are wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Amazing shots!!! valree luvbug304@yahoo.com