OK so today has been one whirl wind of a day. Both good and bad news in the Tigner household. I'll start with the bad news because well....I always like to end my stories with the good. Bad news is that hubby(who is in the air national guard) got an unexpected call this morning to pack up and get ready to leave to help with the hurricane. So after a rush to get packed, and do a few errands so that life for the next few weeks would be a bit easier on me and the kids(such as grocery shopping) we got it all taken care of and hubster left at 1pm today. And as of NOW they are saying he'll be gone only 2wks. But who knows since the news is predicting another hurricane to hit in the next 10ish days. And while I love my hubby and all he does for his country, I'm here cramming to figure out my weekend schedule since I'm going to be in the county fair. But rest assure, we are fine tuning our plans and you all can swing by and see me at the fair, however I'm having to pull from the Harrah Daze Parade. But thats how the cookie crumbles, right?
Tonight I had a session that got rescheduled due to rain, so I had to share a photo, that I might have shared before, but I do LOVE it oh so much. The smile and happiness on his face, just melts me. And well...I need happiness today!
On the good side of things....The publisher from Metro Family Magazine
http://metrofamilymagazine.com gave me a call today and asked me to be their photographer and shoot their COVER photos. Yay! What a fun job. So as of November, if you pick up a Metro Family Magazine you'll be looking at the cover of MY photos.
And now to leave you with this photo of master M
Well, that is awesome about the magazine! I was hoping to see you at Harrah Daze though...oh well. Not sure if we will make it to Shawnee, but we will try.
Aww,I'm sorry your hubby is gone for awhile. That must be so rough. I'll be thinking of both of you, and your kiddos. Hoping it goes by quickly and he's back before you know it.
And that smile! OH that smile could light up a room! I love that image so much!
Congrats on your magazine shoot too! Very exciting!
I'm so excited about your opportunity for the magazine.
That exciting about the opportunity with the magazine. Great job!
Awesome opportunity with the magazine! Congrats!
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