Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb Blog Stalker and home show update

I wanted to thank everyone who came and visited me at the homeshow this weekend. I am pooped. 3 days of standing has worn me out. But sooo worth it. I got to meet and mingle with so many wonderful people. Here's a little peek at my small table set up which made a HUGE impact at the show! Some snaps with the point and shoot

And one of my daughter Joslyn. She decided she wanted to spend the day with mom on Saturday. She was such a trooper and spent the day with me from 9a-10:30pm! LONG day and she was such a helper. Can you tell that she made herself at home? She colored, read books, watched movies on our travel dvd player, and helped me pass out cards and suckers. She also made friends with a little girl from the KIRC/police station booth. It was a great day!

Last but not least----Feb blog stalker winner is Valree! Please contact me with your choice of location you would like your gift card from. Thanks and congrats! Keep stalking the blog!


Anonymous said...

Thanks.... I am enjoying the blogs. I will email you my info.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great setup!

Ashleigh-Faye said...

I love the set up. Looks like you had a busy helper :) I hope this went well for you. Those people are lucky to have you as a photographer in their town. +