Monday, January 26, 2009

Sit by the fire with me!

Can you believe how the weather is in Oklahoma? We can all agree that its always up and down. Cold one day, warm the next. And believe me, this winter has been JUST that. And today is no different. I hope all of you are staying inside and keeping warm during our ice storm. Thank goodness the schools are closed tomorrow. I worried about my children getting home from school on the busses today. I slid down the driveway just trying to walk to the bus to get them off. No, I didnt fall. Thank goodness too because the way our driveway is slanted it would have given me a good ride under the bus and down the road! Wouldnt that have been a sight to see. Luckily the bus driver was nice and he pulled up to the grass once he saw me losing my balance and flailing my arms all over like a mad woman. So anyhow, now we are in the nice warm house and we lit the fireplace for more warmth. OH how I LOVE my fireplace. Dont very much enjoy the gas bill from it, but its very pretty. So for those of you who are also cooped up inside, here's a pic for you to help you stay warm! Doesnt just looking at it make you suddenly feel all cozy inside? So sit by the fireplace with me at my home and stay warm for the next few days.........

*disclaimer-snapshot taken with point and shoot camera.
Also, please forgive the empty mantle. Can you tell that we were late at taking down xmas decorations and have yet to redecorate the mantle? But I cant forget my favorite Mia Bella Candles. No way....they are up there!


Anonymous said...

We have lit our fireplace also, but ours isn't gas. It is a lot of work!

We slid a whole bunch, and Asher fell a few times...YIKES!
Stay safe and warm.

Anonymous said...

that is a very nice fireplace...makes me want to get a cup of hot cocoa, warm blanket and read a good book!!
