Sunday, October 19, 2008

My BABY is Seven!

I am such a BAD mommy! My son turned seven back in August and I am just NOW getting around to doing any kind of portraits of him. We enjoyed ourselves though. Him and I had a nice couple of hours, just the two of us driving around bricktown and scouting out locations. We stopped at the bontanical gardens for these shots, and wouldnt you know it....20(or MORE) other photographers out that day. haha It was photographer central over there. We could have had a work luncheon there were so many.

My son suffers big time from child photographer syndrom these days, so I had it in my head that I might not get any good shots out of him. BUT low and behold, the boy did great. AND, he was rewarded with some pics of him in his costume too.

So here's my BABY. Sniff, sniff.


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures, and a cute kiddo!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, that last one is PRICELESS! I love it! What a handsome dude! And, I don't think I can talk about seven. Mine are 5 and almost-4 and I can barely stand it. Seven is like, adult!

Anonymous said...

Those blue eyes are simply GORGEOUS. I bet you could look in them all day!!!! wonderful pictures.